Innovo Kitchen Prepared Food 2

Like many other industries in the world right now, the restaurant industry has dealt with tremendous turnover and staffing issues in the past few years. Finding quality applicants to hire and retain for both the front and back of the house positions has become increasingly difficult. The question is, how do you entice quality employees to apply to work at your restaurant and get them to stay long-term? Innovo Kitchen has led by example, as one of the Capital Region’s restaurants to offer employee benefits to their staff.  

Since it is typically uncommon for restaurants to offer employee benefits to their staff, when one does, it becomes highly likely that their employees will be with them long-term. The opportunity to have the benefit of PTO is something that many workers, especially in the hospitality industry, envy. Working in the restaurant industry comes with high demands and responsibilities for the employees. Restaurant employees are typically used to working schedules that change frequently. Trying to balance their work schedules and their personal lives is challenging, so when paid time off is offered it is a welcome benefit.

Innovo Kitchen started to offer employee benefits to their staff including PTO some time ago. The paid time off accumulates after a year of employment. Not only that, but they also offer their employees a matching contribution to their 401k. This is another huge employee benefit that few restaurant workers see in the hospitality field. The owners and management team of Innovo Kitchen take pride in having quality employees that work hard for their establishment. In return, it only feels fair and well deserved to offer employee benefits to their staff. The starting hourly wage in the BOH (back of house) is one of the highest in the Capital Region. Aside from PTO and the matching 401k contribution, they also provide their staff with paid sick leave, and opportunities for overtime working in the food truck. After working over a certain number of hours in a day they are also rewarded with free meals. They also provide deep discounts for staff who choose to visit the restaurant with family and friends on their days off as well. 

The Innovo Kitchen management team intends on continuing to keep the quality employees they have appreciated and to hire additional skilled hospitality employees in the future. We have a wonderful team, and we appreciate their hard work and dedication. If you are interested in becoming part of our team, find out more on our page.